relocating the vehicle

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relocating the vehicle

Post by Naythan » Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:33 am

I am having a problem in that I want to relocate my vehicle back about 2o yards (irrelavant I know), but when I do that and press record, the vehicle jumps to it's original starting place. I am using 4 wheeler extended in autonomous mode. Setting up the gravity link doesn't seem to make a difference, either way it does the same thing. I read the issues support forum.

Any help would be appreciated.

Carl Buhre
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Re: relocating the vehicle

Post by Carl Buhre » Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:40 am

Naythan wrote:Hi,
I am having a problem in that I want to relocate my vehicle back about 2o yards (irrelavant I know), but when I do that and press record, the vehicle jumps to it's original starting place. I am using 4 wheeler extended in autonomous mode. Setting up the gravity link doesn't seem to make a difference, either way it does the same thing. I read the issues support forum.

Any help would be appreciated.
Hello Naythan and welcome to our forum. I haven't heard of this problem before. Do you think you could strip your scene of any copyright material you don't want to show and either upload it to somewhere I can download it, or mail it to me directly and I'll take a look at it.
Also, which version of 3ds MAX/Maya are you using?

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Joined: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:29 am

Re: relocating the vehicle

Post by Naythan » Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:11 am

I think I have found the problem. I simply delete the keyframe that places my vehicle back in it's original spot, then place my vehicle where I want it (with the gravitymesh) and start from there. Just took me a while to read through the other posts. But thanks for the reply, sorry it wasn't something more complicated than that! :)

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