once again.... thank you for the answer.
I guess will have no choice but going out and get a gamepad then ; )
Search found 3 matches
- Fri Apr 16, 2010 2:24 am
- Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
- Topic: Observercam bind input to mouse
- Replies: 5
- Views: 26270
- Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:51 am
- Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
- Topic: Observercam bind input to mouse
- Replies: 5
- Views: 26270
Re: Observercam bind input to mouse
Hi Micael, sorry to hear that, since I personally really don't like the a joypad as input device because it has that consolegame "look and feel". in my opinion a mouse as input is many times more accurate and there is no delay (acceleration) between movement of the device and the camera. since it is...
- Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:11 pm
- Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
- Topic: Observercam bind input to mouse
- Replies: 5
- Views: 26270
Observercam bind input to mouse
is it possible to bind the inputs for the Ovbservercam to the mouse? .... so that it works similar to the 3ds max Walk Through.
for example that the cam looks down/up when i move the mouse /forward/backwards?
is it possible to bind the inputs for the Ovbservercam to the mouse? .... so that it works similar to the 3ds max Walk Through.
for example that the cam looks down/up when i move the mouse /forward/backwards?